

Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake

Hello, all!  I hope everyone had a great weekend!  T and I spent last night getting the house cleaned and grocery shopping so we'd have the rest of the weekend to relax.  We also took a few minutes to book our airline tickets and make reservations for our honeymoon to San Fransico!  So excited!

As part of our relaxing Saturday, we decided to stay in for breakfast instead of heading out like we normally do.  I found a great recipe on Pinterest for's Buttermilk Blueberry Breakfast Cake and thought it would be a great dish for this lazy Saturday morning.

1/2 unsalted butter, softened
lemon zest from 1 lemon
3/4 cup + 1 tablespoons sugar - set aside 1 tablespoon
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla
2 cups flour - set aside 1/4 cup
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups fresh blueberries
1/2 cup buttermilk

First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Cream butter with lemon zest and 3/4 cup sugar.  Add the egg and vanilla and beat until combines.  In a separate bowl, mix 1/4 cup flour with blueberries.  In a third bowl, whisk together remaining flour, baking powder and salt.  Slowly add the flour mixture to the wet batter alternating with the buttermilk.  Once combined, add the blueberries.  Pour batter into a greased 9-inch dish and sprinkl with remaining sugar.  Bake 35-45 minutes.  Use toothpick to gauge doneness.  Wait 15 minutes before serving.


A piece of breakfast cake with a glass of milk = divine. 

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