

Baked Apple Chips

My parents left for Florida today (so. jealous.) and dropped off their dogs and several apples they hadn't had a chance to eat before leaving.  T and both eat apples on occasion, but definitely not an apple a day.  So what better way to use the apples than making homemade apple chips?

Apples, any kind, any number
Cinnamon, optional
Sugar, optional

Preheat the oven to 225 degrees.  Place parchment paper on a cookie sheet.  If you choose to use cinnamon and sugar, spread the desired amount over the paper.  Thinly slice each apple and lay the slices flat onto the parchment paper.  Sprinkle the tops with additional cinnamon and sugar if you choose.  Bake for 1 hour.  Turn all apple slices over and bake for another hour.  As the apples dry, they will begin to look wrinkled and crispy.  Enjoy the fruits of your labor.  Store in an airtight container (if you have any leftover!).

I've added an mandolin to my list of kitchen wants.  It would definitely help in keeping a consistent thickness to the apples.  The thicker the apple slice the longer it will take to dry out.   Nevertheless, still delicious! 

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