

Mosaic Love

My fiance and I recently had one of our engagement pictures printed on canvas.  I was so excited to hang it, but quickly realized the wall needed something else.  I quickly decided a small shelf with something decorative was the way to go.  But what would that something decorative be?  I decided to head to Hobby Lobby and see what I could find. 

Cardboard letters (see photo below) - they're 3D, heavier duty and perfect for decorating
Various sheets of coordinating scrapbook paper
Mod Podge, matte
Sponge brush

I first tore off several small pieces of each scrapbook sheet and made a little pile of torn paper.  Then I got to work glueing the pieces onto the letters.  Modge Podge works as both a glue and a varnish so you want to make sure its both under and over the pieces of paper.  Fill in each letter covering as much or as little as you'd like.  Finish with one final coat of Modge Podge over the entire project.  And voila!

I decided only mosaic the tops and left all of the sides with their natual cardboard color.  I did put a coat of Modge Podge for a slight varnish, but wanted the front to really stand out.  I also decided that as much as I love these, they didn't fit well with the intended idea.  They've now found a home on one of our bookshelves and we used vinyl lettering to finish our canvas instead.

1 comment:

  1. I was quite impressed with this. It seem very professional, and classy.
