

Yarn Wreath - St. Patrick's Day

I love St. Patrick's Day!  And I love decorating for it!  After seeing Take Heart's yarn wreath tutorial, I knew it would be perfect for a new St. Patrick's Day decoration!  First step: Hobby Lobby!

Yarn - I used Naturally Spa yarn since it had the green I liked the best.  It's 251 yards.
Straw Wreath Form - Leave the plastic on.
Hot Glue
Embellishments - Optional.  I chose a leprechaun I found in the craft section.

First, wrap the wreath with the yarn.  Tie it at the beginning and you can wrap right over the knot.  It'll take some time (about two hours!), but its a perfect activity for catching up on missed tv shows. 

When you get close to the end, add a loop to hang the wreath.  You can really add this at any point you'd like.  I also tied the end of the yard to the loop to tie it off.

After finishing the wreath, I wanted to add some St. Patty's Day flare: felt flowers and a cute leprechaun embellishment. 

To make the flowers, cut a curvy edged circle like so:

Pick a place and start cutting in a spiral shape for a long strand of fabric.  Make sure to leave an oval shape at the end for the base of the flower.

Take the end of the felt that you began cutting and roll.

Keep rolling until you're at the end.  Using the hot glue, paste the oval shape over the bottom to hold the flower together.

Finished flower:

Make as many flowers as you'd like.  Once you've finished your flowers, you're ready to hot glue them and any additional embellishments onto your wreath. 

I love it!  And I'm excited that I have a month to display it! 


  1. Following from Strut Your Stuff Saturdays at Six Sisters' Stuff!

    That is a cute wreath! I'm so glad wreaths are 'not just for Christmas' anymore! And the flowers look especially good.

    1. Thank you so much, LuAnn! Glad you liked it!

  2. Newest follower here! I found you through the six sisters' stuff blog hop :) You have a super cute blog, I can't wait to read more. You can find me at


    1. Thank you so much, Melanie! I checked out your blog! Such great photos!
